The Artist – CH Rockey

Student in Chicago
Art Teacher for 30 Years
In his Studio Home

To begin with, Rockey is a striking physical presence. His face could serve as a model for an Albrecht Durer character study or an illustration from one of J.R.R. Tolkein’s Middle Earth books. His balding dome, his eyes — intermittently brooding and merry — and his magnificent, Great Dane nose are framed by gray, shoulder-length hair and a wavy, chest-length beard that enthusiastically furthers the cause where the locks leave off.

That, combined with his bear-like frame, gentle bearing and patient demeanor brings to mind a 68-year-old, six-foot-two gnome — but one who sips midnight absinthes while reading obscure Russian mystics by candlelight.

Secondly, Manitou Springs has always harbored a sizeable community of artisans, musicians, potters, healers, New Age masseurs, alternative gardeners, dharma motorcyclists, metaphysical high-techers and liberal-artsy bohemians of every stripe and hue.

As such, Rockey and Manitou are perfectly matched. It’s as hard to imagine Rockey separately from Manitou Springs as it is Paul Gaugin from Tahiti, Robert Frost from New Hampshire, Henry David Thoreau from Concord, Georgia O’Keeffe from Ghost Ranch or Andrew Wyeth from Maine. If anybody is a Manitou symbol and fixture, it’s Rockey.

Portrait by Tina Riesterer
Portrait by Julie Kirkland
Portrait by Ed McKay

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> C H Rockey – Full Length Biography w/ Photos >
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> C H Rockey – Art Teacher for 30 Years >
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“To me, love has gotten to be… so significant in life, I’m almost addicted to trying to get other people to realize that the foundation of your life is not built on money, or fame, or fortune. It’s so much more.”  – CH Rockey – 2015 KRCC Interview

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Writings by Rockey

(In addition to his  200+ page book Love Songs of Middle Times)

“Feeling Expression Art” Student Essay – 1960

“The Art Experience” Exhibition Essay – 1992

“Art Is” Exhibition Essay – 2001

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Writings about Rockey

Shared Stories About Rockey
“The Legend of Rockey” – Told in Illustrations by David Phillips

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Songs & Videos about Rockey


“Rockey Road” by Don Goede

Words & Music by Don Goede – Mandolin, Bass & Drums by Michael Kimbrell

I’m looking for a rhyme and a reason
To give my heart and mind to Manitou
I’ll meet you at the corner of Rockey’s road
Where we’ll laugh and smile and ponder what to do
And maybe we’ll see the man himself
And hear him tell us a tale
About all the things he’s seen and drawn
In this town,  Of Manitou
Through his eyes, And his hands,
And his love, too!
I’ve been looking for my true home forever
And I think that it’s been here all along
I better find a garden to plant these seeds
and find a place to rest to these weary bones
And I see the signs in paintings of his
With such beauty, form, and light
Especially at Adams Mountain Cafe
In this town,  Of Manitou
Through his eyes, And his hands,
And his love, too!


“A Song for Rockey” by Sean Galloway


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CH Rockey – A Short Film by Chris C. Bowden